Course curriculum

    1. Book You Will Need

    2. How to Flow Through this Course

    3. Week 1 Reading

    4. Video: How to Develop Your Intuition

    5. Video: Talking to Higher Guidance: Why It's So Important

    6. Video: Types of Divine Guides

    7. Video: Establishing a Connection with the Spirit Realm

    8. Guided Meditation: Anytime Light

    9. Guided Meditation: Meet A Spirit Guide

    10. What Do I Want From This Course?

    11. Recommended Resources on Angels and the Spirit Realm

    12. Bonus Handout: Intuitive Gifts and Higher Guidance

    13. Bonus Handout: How to Enhance Your Intuition

    14. Slides for Week 1: Opening the Third Eye (September 25, 2023)

    15. Recording for Week 1: Opening the Third Eye (September 25, 2023)

    1. Week 2 Reading

    2. Video: Angelic Connections

    3. Guided Meditation: Meet Your Guardian Angel

    4. Guided Meditation: Your Angel in a Cloud

    5. Guided Meditation: White Light of the Angelic Realm

    6. Sacred Space

    7. More Resources on Angels

    8. Handout: All About Angels

    9. Bonus Handout: The Angelic Realm

    10. Bonus Handout: Spirit and Angel Communication

    11. Bonus Handout: Angel Prayer

    12. Slides for Week 2: The Angelic Realm (October 9, 2023)

    13. Recording for Week 2: The Angelic Realm (October 9, 2023)

    1. Week 3 Reading

    2. Guided Meditation: Communicating our Truth with Archangel Gabriel

    3. Guided Meditation: Hypnotherapy with Archangel Michael

    4. Guided Meditation: Healing the Body with Archangel Raphael

    5. Short Video 1: Introduction to Quieting the Mind

    6. Short Video 2: Why Quieting the Mind is So Important

    7. Short Video 3: Quieting the Mind in Everyday Moments

    8. Demo Video: Square Breathing

    9. Guided Meditation: 10-Minute Mindful Awareness

    10. Guided Meditation: 5-Minute Pause and Notice

    11. Day of Mindful Retreat

    12. Bonus Guided Meditation: Harmony and Heart-Linking with Archangel Raguel

    13. Bonus Handout: The Archangels and Their Power

    14. Bonus: Letter to an Archangel

    15. Recording for Week 3: Archangels and Quieting the Mind (October 24, 2023)

    1. Week 4 Reading

    2. How Are You Feeling Thus Far?

    3. Video 1: Meet Your Negative Ego Self (and the Inner Critics)

    4. Video 2: How to Move Beyond the Negative Ego

    5. Video: When the Negative Thoughts Come Back

    6. Video: Working with Heavy Energy and Thoughts

    7. Handout: Reframing Automatic Negative Thoughts

    8. Handout: the Hidden Stories

    9. Handout: Angel Numbers

    10. Guided Meditation: Clearing the Shadows Within

    11. Guided Meditation: Shedding the Core Protective Ego

    12. Recommended Resources on Ego

    13. Bonus Graphic: The Ego and the Higher Self

    14. Bonus Handout: Protect Your Energy

    15. Recording for Week 4: Clearing Fear and Doubt (and Angel Numbers): November 6, 2023

    16. Slides for Week 4: Clearing Fear and Doubt (and Angel Numbers): November 6, 2023

    1. Week 5 Reading

    2. Video: Energy Protection and Visualization

    3. Video: Clearing Heavy Energy

    4. Guided Meditation: Sacred Room Energy Clearing

    5. Handout: Intuitive Readings for Others

    6. Handout: Reading Angelic Energy

    7. Managing Your Energy

    8. Recommended Resources on Energy

    9. Bonus Guided Imagery Meditation: Wellness and Future Healing

    10. Bonus Guided Meditation: Floating Action Steps

    11. Bonus Video: Emotions and Energy Part I

    12. Bonus Video: Emotions and Energy Part II

    13. Bonus Video: The Seven Chakras

    14. Recording for Week 5: Doing Angel Readings (November 27, 2023)

    15. Slides for Week 5: Doing Angel Readings (November 27, 2023)

    1. Week 6 Reading

    2. Bonus Week 6 Reading

    3. Handout: Accessing the Akashic Records

    4. Video: Introduction to the Akashic Records

    5. Video: Accessing the Akashic Records

    6. Video: What Are Past Lives?

    7. Video: Akashic Records Readings

    8. Guided Akashic Records Meditation

    9. Guided Meditation: Mother Mary

    10. Guided Meditation: Past Life Healing

    11. Guided Meditation: Ancestral Healing

    12. Devotional Music: Baba Hanuman by Krishna Das

    13. Recommended Resources on Akashic Records and Past Lives

    14. Learnings and Celebration

    15. Bonus Guided Meditation: Gratitude With Archangel Metatron

    16. Bonus Handout: Past Life Self Healing

    17. Bonus Handout: Working with Ascended Masters

    18. To Continue Getting Support: the Intuitive Guide Program

    19. Recording for Week 6: The Akashic Records (December 11, 2023)

    20. Slides for Week 6: The Akashic Records (December 11, 2023)

About this course

  • $420.00
  • 105 lessons
  • 12.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today