Develop Your Intuition: An Online Course
This is a self-paced online course designed to help you open your intuition, break stuck patterns and become your highest and best self, uncovering your deepest soul purpose in the process.
It's just that no one has taught us how to do this. The good news is that it can be done!
You may be in the process of beginning to see through the illusions of societal programming and into the deeper truth about the nature of reality.
But you're uncertain of where to go from here.
Maybe you doubt your intuitive abilities and lack trust in yourself.
You wonder, how do I know what is my intuition, versus my Ego?
You're becoming aware of the negative stories and patterns that have been holding you back, but you're not sure how to clear them.
You want to move past triggers and understand your soul lessons.
You want to connect with Divine guidance to help guide you.
You want to live in alignment with All That Is, connecting deeply with nature and with all sentient beings.
As you move through the sections, the course will help you develop your intuition, create a habit of quieting your mind with meditation, connect with various forms of higher guidance, and work through any fears coming up to block you.
You will learn tangible tools like quieting the mind and other meditation techniques.
You'll co-create your Future Self and explore the Divine Laws that govern the Universe as you learn how to deconstruct the Ego and practice separating from the parts that no longer serve.
You’ll meet your Inner Critic and your Inner Child and learn how to honor them both so you can heal the Inner Child and say goodbye to your Inner Critic.
You’ll be tapping into your intuition and all the ways your guides and spirit teams communicate with you.
As a bonus offering for this course, you'll receive a free e-version of my recent book, Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life’s Purpose, a compilation of approaches, practices, modalities and tools I have used with clients. You'll be using this book throughout the course as well!
While this course is meant to be completed over 6 weeks, you can take as long as you like - going from beginning to end, or choosing which sections most resonate with you.
To re-cap, you will be guided through a powerful experience of soul growth, including learning how to:
After completing this soul journey, you may very well experience:
Are you ready to open your third eye, activate your intuition and move into your highest and best self, all the while learning about your deeper purpose?
I look forward to seeing you in the course!
Tools to move into higher states of consciousness!
Free e-version of Tools for the Awakening Soul book
Videos, writing tools, meditations, handouts and resources
Reading assignments, suggested actions and songs
Interactive opportunities to reflect and share
Over 24 hours of content valued at $2600!
How to Flow Through this Course
Free E-Book: Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose
Process of Transition Diagram
FREE PREVIEWWhat Do I Want From This Course?
Week 1 Reading
Short Video 1: Introduction to Quieting the Mind
Short Video 2: Why Quieting the Mind is So Important
Short Video 3: Quieting the Mind in Everyday Moments
Short Video 4: Actually Sitting Down for Some Mind-Quieting
Short Video 5: Why It Can be Hard to Start Meditating
Demo Video: Square Breathing
Guided Meditation: Anytime Light
Guided Meditation: 10-Minute Mindful Awareness
Guided Meditation: 5-Minute Pause and Notice
Meditation Resources
Bonus: Recording of Live Class on the Soulful Work Method and Quieting the Mind
Bonus Graphic: The Soulful Work Method Process of Soul Growth
Bonus Handout: Becoming Who You're Meant To Be
Bonus Handout: Bring Your Higher Self Into Daily Life
FREE PREVIEWBonus Handout: Short Meditations
Bonus Handout: Everyday Ways to Quiet Your Mind
Bonus Handout: Liquid Light Meditation
Week 2 Reading
Video: Our Personal Vibrations: Why It Matters
FREE PREVIEWVideo: The Paradox of Letting Go of the Outcome
Guided Meditation : 5D Future Self
Guided Meditation: Going with the Flow
Day of Mindful Retreat
Quiz: What's Your Personality Type?
A Hopeful Song ... The Rainbow Connection
Bonus: Recording of Live Class on Divine Laws and Your Future Self
Bonus Handout: Wheel of Balance
Bonus Handout: Co-Creating and Manifesting with Your Higher Self
Bonus Handout: Getting in the Flow of Abundance
Week 3 Reading
Video 1: Meet Your Negative Ego Self (and the Inner Critics)
FREE PREVIEWVideo 2: How to Move Beyond the Negative Ego
Guided Meditation: Releasing Codependency with Forgiveness
Guided Meditation: Energy Clearing
Personal Journaling: What I'm Experiencing
Healing Words in Music: Let It Be - the Beatles
Recommended Resources on Ego
Bonus: Recording of Live Class of Separating from the Protective Ego
Bonus: Hypnotherapy Meditation - Beachcombing to Release Anxiety
Bonus Handout: The Ego and the Higher Self
Bonus Handout: the Hidden Stories
Bonus Handout: Reframing Automatic Negative Thoughts
Week 4 Reading
How Are You Feeling Thus Far?
Video: When the Negative Thoughts Come Back
Video: Working with Heavy Energy and Thoughts
Guided Meditation: Inner Child Healing
Guided Meditation: Shedding the Core Protective Ego
Let Your Inner Child Play!
Time for Fun: What Song Speaks to You?
Bonus: Recording of Live Class on the Inner Critic and the Inner Child
Bonus: Emotion Wheel Graphic
Week 5 Reading
Video: How to Develop Your Intuition
Video: Types of Divine Guides
Video: Establishing a Connection with the Spirit Realm
Video: What Are Past Lives?
Video: Introduction to the Akashic Records
Video: Accessing the Akashic Records
Video: Akashic Records Readings
Video: Angelic Connections
Guided Meditation: Meet Your Guardian Angel
Guided Akashic Records Meditation
Guided Meditation: Meet A Spirit Guide
Guided Meditation: Gratitude With Archangel Metatron
Guided Meditation: Mother Mary
Guided Meditation: Past Life Healing
Guided Meditation: Ancestral Healing
Sacred Space
Devotional Music: Baba Hanuman by Krishna Das
Recommended Resources on Intuition and the Spirit Realm
Bonus: Recording of Live Class on Activating Intuition and Connecting with Spirit
Bonus Handout: Intuition in Everyday Moments
Bonus Handout: Intuitive Gifts and Higher Guidance
Bonus Handout: Angel Numbers
Bonus Handout: Working with Ascended Masters
Bonus Handout: The Archangels and Their Power
Bonus Handout: How to Enhance Your Intuition
Week 6 Reading
Video: Energy Protection and Visualization
Video: Clearing Heavy Energy
Guided Meditation: Sacred Room Energy Clearing
Guided Meditation: Hypnotherapy with Archangel Michael
Managing Your Energy
Learnings and Celebration
Recommended Resources on Energy (and Abundance)
Bonus Reading
Bonus: Recording of Live Class on Protecting Energy and Taking Action
Bonus Handout: Protect Your Energy
Bonus Handout: Help Create the New Earth
Bonus Guided Imagery Meditation: Wellness and Future Healing
Bonus Guided Meditation: Floating Action Steps
Bonus Video: Emotions and Energy Part I
Bonus Video: Emotions and Energy Part II
Bonus Video: The Seven Chakras
Thank You...
from Past Online Course Students
“I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for offering such a wonderful online class over the last 8 weeks! I'm incredibly grateful that I found your classes, guidance, and support. I am a different person and continue to go down the path I knew I was being drawn to. I truly believe you and your knowledge was sent my way, and that everything I have practiced in these classes is exactly what I am suppose to be doing. My introduction to angels has been a pure gift, so I thank you for that! The meditations have also been an amazing shift in my life!! I will continue to grow and expand and I look forward to attending other classes and workshops of yours in the future!!”
N.W.“I did not want this book to end! I was familiar with some of the concepts, but Rachel went so much deeper and actually gives you practical tools to incorporate into your life if you are looking to develop or expand your intuition and spiritual practice. She writes in language that is easy to understand and leaves you wanting more! I have given two copies of this book to friends as gifts and plan to order again. Highly recommend!”
Karen Gato“Rachel really hit all the points for me. She has great ideas on journaling and things to reflect on. I am so so glad that I signed up for the online course. I feel like it already has been life changing! To think about where I will be at the end of it and beyond is really very exciting. I have found multiple things to take away and so much insight and wisdom in all the posts, activities and videos in the course. It’s so exciting because I can already feel shifts in the way I think and view the world and respond to situations.”
K.M.“Rachel has introduced me to so many incredible tools that have changed my life. I am so happy that all of these tools are now together in one place, Tools for the Awakening Soul. It does not matter how much or how little you already know about these tools. The guidebook is a perfect way to bring them to life. This is not a book you just read through once and put on your bookshelf. You will continue to be guided by it over time. If you are feeling stuck, this work is one of the best things you can do!”
Charlie O'Halloran“Rachel's course has been wonderful - and I am grateful to have her videos and resources to go to now and again as I navigate this very odd time in life! But I love that all the content is there for me if I fall just a touch behind. Have really loved everything and know this is what I have been needing! Just testing the waters and taking action steps to see how I feel while I am doing it- will allow me to connect more to what I really want. She does a wonderful job.”
M.Q.“Life is a journey, and if you are considering working with Rachel or taking one of her courses you are on the right path. Rachel has compiled a wealth of resources, not to mention her own ability to help you cut through the chatter and get to your core principals. Whether you are looking to make a change in your life in general or your work, the materials and exercises Rachel offers will put you in a space to reinforce your best intentions and bolster your confidence in yourself. It is an investment, and for some a first step, towards contributing to life forces that are trying to help us move to a better place. I highly recommend working with Rachel. She is a wise and caring person, who has taken some brave steps herself.”
Ed Bryan, Crystal Reporting SolutionsI want to activate my intuitive gifts to guide me toward my deepest purpose in life.
Regular price
Discounts and More Learning
This book will help you uncover your soul gifts and give you easy-to-use tools on becoming your highest and best self and is designed as a companion to this course. By learning to work with your thoughts, emotions and the frequency of love, you will be emboldened to take intuitively-guided action and fulfill your soul mission!
Listen as I walk you through the content of the book and each lecture in the course, with a live guided meditation in these live class recordings.
Enjoy an additional week of resources on the process of spiritual awakening
This course begins whenever you sign up! You can go at your own pace, While it is designed to be taken over a period of for 6 weeks, you are welcome to take as long as you like (but I recommend taking no longer than 3 months so as to not lose momentum). Once you sign up, the course is yours to access forever!
You'll need a laptop (phone is okay, but will not work as well), and you'll need either the physical copy or the e-book version of my book, Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose (which is a free bonus item).
Please reach out to me (Rachel) individually ([email protected]). I would be most happy to help guide you to an option that might work best for you!
This course is intentionally designed to be 6 weeks in length, and paired with the flow of the Tools for the Awakening Soul book. Transformation of thinking patterns begins to occur after about 30 days. However, for this course truly to have lasting positive impact on your life, discipline will go far! If you feel truly "stuck" and looking for a little more support, please reach out for deeper support, such as individual sessions with me.
No, you don't need to know a lot about technology to do this. You will need to access Thinkific to view the lectures, but it is easy to you use. And there is a Help option if you need it. If you have little computer experience, you may need some assistance from a tech-savvy friend/family member.
Get in touch with me (Rachel) at [email protected] anytime.
Add your email to the mailing list to get more resources, offerings and support from Rachel (Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting)